Call for Workshop Proposals  

Please submit your completed workshop proposal as a Word/PDF file by March 20, 2025 (FIRM DEADLINE) and send it to the email:

Submit guideline

For submitting the proposal, the below points should be included: Duration, Title, Organizers, URL, Abstract,Content

1, Duration--specify half-day or full-day
2, Title--workshop title
3, Organizers--For each organizer, provide affiliation, address, phone, email, and URL. Indicate the main contact person who can reply the questions about this workshop.
4, URL--After workshop proposal review, if your proposal is permitted, organizers are required to maintain a live website with information about their workshop proposal.
5, Abstract--A short paragraph with 200words that will be used to advertise your event on the ICCCS website.
6, Content--
Describe your event in detail and how you will ensure the highest quality content such that attendees get the most out of the expected exchanges of ideas. The proposed workshop should provide a venue for young researchers to listen to and interact with senior researchers.
Briefly describe the relevance of the topic and its significant expected impact and why contributed presentations reflect the state of the art. These are the main information which will be used to review the submission and its scientific quality.
Organizers are required to include in the proposal a tentative schedule and a list of confirmed invited speakers. Please note that the Workshops Chairs will verify the list of confirmed speakers during the proposal evaluation. For this purpose, evidence of speakers’ confirmation, which can be demonstrated with the supplement of an accepted message (in appendix) including the title and brief abstract of their talk, is strongly recommended.
Please clearly state that you have read the guidelines for workshops  and are willing to follow them.